Rachael Jonassen, PhD, PMP,
Director, EEMI Greenhouse Gas Management Program
Dr. Jonassen advised the Department of Energy as it established the federal greenhouse gas reporting program, and she has led development of greenhouse gas inventories for multiple federal agencies. Rachael also co-authored protocols for greenhouse gas accounting and assessment of mitigation goals. At the National Science Foundation, she directed basic research on the global carbon cycle, coordinated international efforts in carbon cycle research for the US Global Change Research Program, and helped manage the North American Carbon Program. Her work at NSF was recognized with the NSF Director’s Award. Her research is reported in more than 70 professional papers, more than 100 professional talks, and five books. Rachael is a certified Project Management Professional and an elected Fellow of the Geological Society of America. She teaches EMSE 6290 and directs the GHG Management Certificate Program.
Frédéric Gagnon-Lebrun
Gagnon-Lebrun is a senior expert on climate policy and negotiations. His work includes translating the Paris Agreement into MRV systems for the implementation of NDCs. He advised the COP-22 President and has extensive experience on carbon markets, pricing instruments, risks, and opportunities. Before joining Econoler, Frédéric led climate mitigation at IISD and in his early career built and spearheaded a carbon market consultancy in Canada and Latin America. He has worked on climate policy at the OECD and the Institute for Environmental Studies in Amsterdam. Frédéric holds a master’s degree in Environment and Development from the London School of Economic and Political Science and a bachelor’s degree in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences and Environmental Studies. Frédéric teaches EMSE 6291 in the GHG Management Certificate Program
Phil Ludvigsen, PhD
Tod Delaney, PhD, PE, BCEE
Dr. Delaney is President of First Environment, Inc. and Chair Emeritus of the Business Council for Sustainable Energy Board of Directors. He was appointed by the International Standards Organization (ISO) Technical Management Board (TMB) as Chair of the ISO Climate Change Coordinating Committee (CCCC). Tod initiated First Environment’s involvement in climate change mitigation, participating in the development of standards as a technical expert and/or international coordinator for ISO 14064 parts 1 and 2, ISO 14065, ISO 14066, and ISO 14067 regarding greenhouse gas verification and carbon measurement and reporting. He now serves on ISO’s CCCC Task Force where he supports the development of standards and best practices for mitigation and adaptation worldwide. He is a veteran of the U.S. Army. Tod serves as guest lecturer for EMSE 6291.
Mark C. Trexler, PhD
Dr. Mark C. Trexler has more than 30 years of regulatory and energy policy experience. While at the World Resources Institute he worked on the first carbon offset project. Since then he has advised the electric sector, other energy groups, governments, and NGOs around the world on carbon market models, climate risk mitigation, decision support tools, and carbon offset quality scoring systems. Mark was Director of Climate Risk for the global risk management firm Det Norske Veritas from 2009-2012. He is widely published on business risk management topics surrounding climate change, including the design and deployment of carbon markets, and has served as a lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Mark teaches EMSE 6292 in the GHG Management Certificate Program.
Marco Buttazzoni
Marco Buttazzoni specializes in climate change mitigation and advises private sector companies, governmental institutions and NGOs on GHG management, carbon markets, city-level climate action, and clean-technology. He is Director of Ecology and Economy Integration at CVenture LLC and leads the Software Evaluation Services initiative at the GHG Management Institute. He managed the Energy and Climate Strategy cluster at Ecofys Italy and was Director of Environmental Market Strategies for Environmental Resources Trust, where he contributed to the “Corporate GHG Verification Guideline” for EPA Climate Leaders. Marco holds degrees from the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, the London School of Economics and Bocconi University. He teaches EMSE 6293.